
Crafting A History Dissertation Bibliography: 8 Effective Tips

The dissertation bibliography is one of the most important sections of the final graduation project in working towards a master’s or PhD degree. However, since it’s often view as the last component of the dissertation, a lot of students wait until the last minute then rush through its composition without giving it the proper attention. Mistakes to a bibliography can cost you a letter grade and sometimes worse. Here are 8 effective tips for crafted a great history dissertation bibliography the correct way:

  1. Keep Your Bibliography at the End
  2. The first tip is the simplest in that you need to keep your bibliography at the end. Don’t move outside of the accepted standards by making an ill-advised stylistic choice. Stick with the requirements to avoid being deducted valuable points.

  3. Choose the Correct Citation Format
  4. You should always check with both your advisor and the department to ensure that you have chosen the correct citation format for your discipline. MLA is the standard use in history; however, depending on the branch and approach in study, you might be required to use another.

  5. Take Complete Information as You Read
  6. A great way of saving time and in preventing you from making mistakes is to take down the complete citation information as you conduct your research. Use notecards to keep the information organized.

  7. Be Sure You Are Consistent Throughout
  8. After you’ve chosen the correct citation format, you need to be sure you pay attention to consistency. Nothing is more distracting than inconsistency and it could have serious consequences when your graduate advisor finally reviews your work.

  9. Don’t Leave Any Entry Information Out
  10. Be sure your citations include all of the appropriate information. In history, you may have both primary and secondary resources you have used in your research. Check the appropriate style guide to learn how to put in all appropriate information correctly.

  11. Don’t Leave Out a Single Citation Used
  12. This is extremely important. Even if you have only borrowed an idea and paraphrased it in your writing, you should never leave out a single citation no matter how small it may seem to you. If you don’t give proper credit you risk being accused of plagiarism, a serious offense that could jeopardize all of your work.

  13. Double Check Authors’ Correct Spelling
  14. After you’ve completed putting together the entire bibliography it’s a good idea to check for some of the mistakes that can easily be made when working under pressure. One of the most common mistakes is misspelling author’s name.

  15. Cross Reference Each One for Insurance
  16. Lastly, be sure to cross reference each bibliographic entry against the information you included within the text. This may seem time-consuming but it’s important that everything listed is accurate.

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