8 Basic Rules You Need To Know In Order To Make A Proper Dissertation Title Page
The first thing that the committee will see when you turn in your dissertation is your title page. You want to make sure that your title page is formatted and structured correctly. Keep in mind that each college or university is very unique in what they want. You should follow our eight basic rules you need to know in order to make a proper dissertation title page.
- Go and talk to the office of Graduate Studies. That office can tell you what is required or what is not required by your university. This will be one of the first things you want to do even before you begin to write.
- Font does matter when writing this very important document. So find out what font the college or university wants you to use. This sounds silly but it is very important.
- Spacing does matter when it comes to this document. If you can get your hands on an example document then you will be able to see many things such as the spacing required and the font desired. Do yourself a favor and get a sample document you can model after as you work on yours.
- You will probably need to pick a very intriguing and catchy title. This title will probably fall in the middle of your page but you will know better where to place it once you have talked to your faculty advisor and looked at the sample page you are using.
- You will probably also have to include your professor's name as well as your college of study. So if you were in the engineering department somewhere on your important first document, you will include that this this paper is being submitted for an advanced degree in the engineering department.
- When you talk to your faculty advisor find out exactly what date should be on this document. Is it the date that you finish the document or the date you get your degree that is required on this document? Your faculty advisor will be able to give you this very, very important information. Keep in mind when you have any questions on this most important paper, you can go to your faculty advisor for the correct answers.
- When you talk to your advisor, find out if your paper is going to be APA or MLA. This will impact how your front page books. You will need to know if you are using APA or MLA style.
- Once you have finished this important first page, find out how the university or the college wants you to bind the entire project. Remember this introductory sheet is the very first thing your advisor and your committee will see. It will make a good first impression if it is bound, formatting, and constructed correctly.
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