
A List Of Up-To-Date Dissertation Topics In Church Leadership

In today’s society, we are learning just how much (and important) the evolution to how churches operate has changed over the decades. If we go back to 50 years ago, everything was pretty much handled by pen and paper with simplicity. In addition to that, the technology (and technical stipulations such as a church being a “non-profit”) did not exist back in those times as well.

Today we are going to share with you an up-to-date list of topics that you can right about when covering church leadership.

What are ways to attract this current (and younger) generations?

Looking at what attracts the current generation of young kids/teenagers/adults now compared to 10-20 years ago is completely different. One of the best ways to attract that age spectrum is through music.

Instead of the traditional church music, the approach of Christian rock and Christian hip-hop has become pretty popular now and days. What would once be considered a non-traditional approach to take, is now the best way to actual gain genuine leadership?

Should there be a limit on the congregation size?

As we see on TV and magazines every day, churches have become more than just the small congregations of 20-70 that many have grown up with. Super churches (or mega-churches) are now on TV with thousands upon thousands of members of their congregation. While it is great to have so many people in the congregation/church, the question is there a possibility for too much to be an appropriate scenario.

Separating your church from TV churches

As stated earlier, mega-churches have become a thing in society today. However, does that mean every pastor should want a mega church? Discuss the pros and cons of the way traditional churches are run and mega churches on TV (respectively).

Maintaining the structure of leadership

Essentially the head leader of a church is its pastor. After that, their significant other (typically first lady) is second in the game, after that the leadership structure depends on the congregation’s size which could include an assistant pastor, deacons, and elders of the church. Discuss how the basic structure of leadership and the roles of said positions stated previously.

As you can see, there are a variety of topics that you can take into consideration when writing your dissertation. Whether you decide to write about one specific topic individually or combine them all together, there is a plethora of information out there for you to utilize.

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